Now that the initial-release signings for “Florida Breweries” have come and gone, and I have somewhat of an idea of how many copies I’ll need to have on hand, I’m ready to release details on how you can get your hands on a signed copy if you live elsewhere or can’t make it to any of the signings.
Simply send an email to, and we’ll figure out the best way to make it happen for your situation. If you want it personalized in a particular way, I can do that, too. (Remember. Christmas is coming up soon!)
Payment including shipping may vary a little depending on where you live, but in most cases it will be $25 per book, total, and most forms of payment will be available. PayPal is preferred.
Of course, “Florida Breweries” is still available from the publisher’s website,,
and at the other usual suspects. You can find a current list of scheduled signings here.
Here’s a Q and A about the book if you want to learn more.
I’ve continued to be overwhelmed by the support from the craft beer community, especially in Florida, and am extremely grateful for all of it.
“Florida Breweries” reviews
Gerard Walen’s Florida Breweries
Florida Breweries – A Book by Gerard Walen
New book documents Florida’s craft beer breweries
“Florida Breweries” a solid guide to statewide beer
Daily Beer Review: Florida Breweries