“Microbrew Madness,” a short-form web series, launched today on the Travel Channel website.
TravelChannel.com produced 16 webisodes featuring four hosts. One of the six-minute videos chronicles a visit to the tasting room of Tampa’s own Cigar City Brewing. Host Lori Griffis talks to owner Joey Redner and brewmaster Wayne Wambles, and samples some of the brews and food-truck offerings, finishing off with a cigar hand-rolled right in the tasting room.
In addition, TravelChannel.com has gone live with a poll to choose the nation’s favorite brewery of the 16 featured. This is a chance to show some support for the Florida craft beer scene and help spread the word about our great brew to the rest of the world. Click here for the poll.
She didn’t like Jai Alai? Wow, you have to like IPA’s in order to review breweries! Jai Alai is delicious.