“Grindhouse” is a cult-film genre characterized by low budgets and cheesy special effects, often bursting with buckets of fake blood and curvaceous B-movie actresses filling out the cast.
“Grindhaus Brew Lab” is the latest project of longtime Florida craft beer personalities and supporters Robb Larson and Lisa Colburn.
The venture, which they hope to have open next year, will operate from where the two currently run HiFi Homebrew and BBQ Supply in Clearwater.
Because it will be situated in their existing business, the property and much of the infrastructure are already in place, but they have started an Indiegogo page to raise $15,000 to “help pay for boring building improvements like plumbing and drainage but also for shiny new brewing toys like the brewing system and fermenters. ”
Here’s the news release announcing the new venture.
Robb Larson and Lisa Colburn, owners of HiFi Homebrew and BBQ Supply in Clearwater, Florida, are pleased to announce they are planning to open a brewery in 2016.
In less than a year, HiFi Homebrew and BBQ Supply has become one of the most popular homebrew stores in Pinellas County. Hosting such events as “Battles of the Brewers” and “Brew and View” has given HiFi a reputation for being unique and thinking outside-the-box. Robb and Lisa wish to add to this success by creating a brewery on premise. They are inviting the community to join on their adventure through Indiegogo, http://igg.me/at/grindhausbrewlab.
The brewery will be named “Grindhaus Brew Lab”, a reference to a style of cinema they are fans of. The brewery will be movie themed.
Grindhaus Brew Lab will be a small neighborhood brewery for the central Pinellas County area focusing on high quality beers and housed inside of HiFi Homebrew and BBQ Supply.
Originally from the Twin Cities area in Minnesota and Western Wisconsin, Robb and Lisa fell in love with craft beer and the process of making it after being inspired by Summit Brewing, a craft brewery institution in St. Paul. In 2005 Robb and Lisa relocated to Florida where their passion for beer and brewing flourished. Robb, besides being an accomplished Beer Blogger with his Tampa Bay Beer Syndicate page, would eventually go on to become a cofounder and Director of Development for Coppertail Brewing in Tampa while Lisa (who is a member of the Pink Boots Society) formed the prestigious all female craft beer group “Bay Area Barley’s Angels”.
Robb and Lisa will be joined by Tony Vincenti, an award winning homebrewer and craft beer expert who has assisted at HiFi Homebrew and BBQ Supply since its opening.
Grindhaus Brew Lab plans to open sometime in 2016.
Robb and Lisa have started a website for the Grindhaus Brew Lab project as well.
Here’s a video explaining more: