Another Florida city is taking steps to eliminate restrictions on Sunday morning beer sales that prevent residents from purchasing their adult libations of choice at a retail establishment before the clock strikes noon.
According to a story on, Delray Beach commissioners “seemed almost shocked the city still had such a rule in place” after a resident complained about it at a public meeting.
The existence of these nonsensical prohibitions still in some Florida communities puzzles me, mainly because of situations such as the one in Delray Beach, where residents can merely drive outside city limits to buy alcohol on Sunday mornings. Unincorporated Palm Beach County has allowed Sunday sales beginning at 7 a.m. since 2005. Granted, it may not be a huge financial impact, but it does have a negative effect on the local economy and business community when residents have to leave town to buy a six-pack or a bottle of wine.
At least the commissioners in Delray Beach all seem open to changing the anachronistic restriction, allowing fans of local sports team to stock up on their way to tailgate parties for early Sunday games.
You can read the story here.
Does your municipality in Florida still limit Sunday alcohol sales?
Yup, you cant purchase alch products in Palatka stores BEFORE 1 pm on Sunday,you have a drive to an ‘un-incorporated- area (2014). Just another example of an outdated 1920s style’prohibition’ law. There are many small towns that still keep these laws, from fla to upstate ny…fundamentalist religion is behind this (sunday),naturally…